¨Unoccupied¨- Dunedin, New Zealand, 2015 for Dunedin Street Art.

Posted on Abr 26, 2015

The wall is part of an unoccupied buiding, that in an unussual way in the 131 years of its existence it appears to have had only two occupiers or at least only two for 120 years of that time.








Special thanks to Justin Cashell, Glen Hazelton, Jessica White, Martine Cashel-Smith and all the people that looked after me during the time I spent there.

Dunedin, New Zealand, 2015 for Dunedin Street Art.

Posted on Abr 26, 2015

The area the building wall is located in is between the area known as ‘The Exchange’ and that known as the ‘Warehouse Precinct’.
The Exchange was earlier the city’s commercial hub.
The wall is located on a juncture between the two “worlds” – both of which were negatively impacted by the changing economy.
Over time both areas declined, lost its hustle and bustle and many buildings were demolished.
After decades of decline, the area is now being rejuvenated.







Special thanks to Justin Cashell, Glen Hazelton, Jessica White, Martine Cashel-Smith and all the people that looked after me during the time I spent there.

Posted on Mar 23, 2015

¨24 Fragmentos de una Jornada Laboral¨- Metro de Madrid- Madrid, Spain 2015- Organizado por Street Art Madrid Project. Especial agradecimiento a Guillermo, Diana, Daniel, Lucas, David, George, Israel y Fernando por su gran ayuda durante las dos noches de trabajo. Gracias a  Guillermo de la Madrid por las fotos.

Intervención realizada para el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora.

24 Imágenes que representan tareas realizadas dentro del ámbito del hogar, tanto de crianza y cuidado como domesticas . Labores que realizamos cada una de nosotras sumadas al resto de trabajos y actividades que mantenemos fuera del hogar. Terrenos conquistados tras años de batalla por una igualdad de género, los cuales, más que aliviarnos del trabajo domestico, han incrementado nuestra explotación. Esta intervención no niega la presencia activa del hombre en este ámbito, simplemente subraya la idea de que estas labores sigan siendo consideradas en su gran mayoría tareas de la mujer, sin lugar a la elección. No solo han sido impuestas sino que han sido transformadas en un atributo natural de nuestra psique y personalidad femenina, en vez de ser reconocidas como un trabajo y remuneradas como tal. La demanda de un salario para el trabajo domestico, lo realice un hombre o una mujer, es tan solo una manera de evidenciar su existencia desde una perspectiva política.


“24 Fragments of a Work Day” – Metro de Madrid- Madrid, Spain 2015 – Organized by Madrid Street Art Project. Intervention performed for the International Day of Working Women.

24 Images that represent tasks performed within the scope of the home, including child rearing and care, and domestic chores. Work that women do in addition to other jobs and activities that we perform outside of the home. Terrain conquered after years of battle for gender equality, which, rather than relieving us from domestic chores, has increased our exploitation. This intervention does not deny the active presence of men in this area, simply emphasizes the idea that most of these tasks are still considered duties of women, with little room for choice. Not only have they been imposed on women, but have been transformed into a natural attribute of our psyche and feminine personality, instead of being recognized as a job and rewarded as such. The demand for a wage for domestic work, performed by a man or by a woman, it’s just a way of demonstrating its existence from a political perspective.





¨24 Fragments of a working day¨- Metro de Madrid, estación Nuñez de Balboa- Madrid, 2015.

Posted on Mar 23, 2015






Photos from Guillermo de la Madrid.


Posted on Mar 23, 2015

Sao Bento Station seems to work as a border between two parallel worlds that coexist in the same city, but that do not bind. The circumference área has lost motion and their dilapidated empty streets is given slowly space to an inevitable process of gentrification.

Today many of those living in the neighborhood are immigrants, women and men involved in prostitution, drug addicts that use the empty streets, while others use it as occupied space. Somehow either by their circumstances or their life choices, are socially marginalized. Lives that are invisible to the city and tourism.

¨Including the excluded¨ is a series of nine designs constructed from photographs taken during the day in the peripheral station streets, spaces and stories that link one to each other. Representing people, moments and objects in his presence in everyday life and anonymity.



Pencil on paper- 32,5×45 cm.- 2015.


Pencil on paper- 32,5×45 cm.- 2015.



Posted on Dic 17, 2014

Watercolor on paper- 100 x 70 cm- 2014/ Art Basel- Miami for Andenken Gallery.

200- 2




Posted on Dic 17, 2014

Watercolor on paper- 100 x 70 cm- 2014/ Art Basel- Miami for Andenken Gallery.


200- 2




Posted on Nov 24, 2014




Watercolor on paper- two pieces of 40 x 50 cm each one- 2014.

Cardiff, Wales 2014 for Empty Walls Festival.

Posted on Oct 27, 2014

Special thanks to Sam Worthington and  Helen Bur for their great hospitality, for making me feel like at home from the first day, for being such a great company and amazing people.





Helen Bur photo.